Pet Wellness Exam

Pet wellness exams are an important part of keeping your pet healthy. At Branch's Veterinary Clinic in Nashville, GA, we offer wellness exams and routine veterinary care. 


What Is a Wellness Exam 

A wellness exam is similar to a wellness exam or physical for humans. They are typically scheduled yearly, but they may be needed more or less often. 

Wellness exams can allow your veterinarian to prevent or detect problems early, which results in better treatment outcomes. 

What Happens during a Wellness Exam?

When your pet has a wellness exam, there are a few things you can expect. These include vaccinations, parasite control, a dental exam, and a physical exam. 


Vaccinations are one of the most important aspects of a wellness exam. Vaccines protect your pet from serious diseases. Some of these preventable diseases can be passed on to other pets, or humans. This makes vaccination an important part of responsible pet ownership. 

Required vaccines often include rabies, hepatitis, and distemper. Other vaccines may be recommended, depending on your pet and their lifestyle.

Parasite Control 

Vets typically prescribe parasite control medications at wellness exams. This includes flea control, tick control, and heartworm prevention. 

Pet Dental Exam 

Pet dental exams are also part of wellness exams. The veterinarian will examine your pet's mouth, looking for any dental issues. These include broken teeth, inflamed gums, infection, cysts, and dental pain. 

If your vet discovers dental problems, they will recommend further treatment. They may also discuss how to clean your pet's teeth at home. 

Physical Exam 

During a wellness exam, your vet will perform a physical examination. This can reveal any problems before they are serious.

They will check your pet's vital signs, and listen to their breathing and feel areas of their body to check for abnormalities. 

The vet will check your pet's physical appearance, including their skin and coat. They will watch your pet walk and move as well. 

Routine Tests 

There are a few routine tests that are commonly performed during wellness exams. These include urinalysis, stool sample testing, and blood work.


Your vet may use urinalysis to check many aspects of your pet's health. Blood sugar issues, organ function, and hydration levels can be revealed by testing your pet's urine. 

Fecal Testing 

Fecal testing can reveal problems with the digestive system. It also allows the vet to check for intestinal parasites. 

Blood Work

Blood work can check your pet's immune function, and reveal serious health problems, like cancer or poor organ function, early. It can also reveal infection.   

Wellness Exams at Branch's Veterinary Clinic in Nashville, GA

Wellness exams can help keep your pet healthy and feeling their best. If your pet needs a wellness exam in Nashville, GA, contact Branch's Veterinary Clinic at (229) 686-3661. Our full-service animal hospital can meet all your pet's veterinary needs. 


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